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A noose in the library at University of California, San Diego?

This is happening in California in the 21st century? This is totally insane! I can’t believe that some student would hang up a noose in the library at UC San Diego. Being an ex Californian I have to say I had higher expectations, but I also have to admit I’m not completely shocked. I was made fun of during the 1991 Gulf War because I was Indian. In the state that is looked upon as the “melting pot” of the US, the reality remains that not all is well. The noose is really just something that symbolizes what goes on with many immigrant/colored people in California and the US daily.

It’s pretty ironic that we have our first African American/colored president in office yet still we have such episodes occur in our society. I do understand that we will always have a few idiots in society. But with technology and so much visibility to issues around us, one has to believe that these acts should have been something from a distant past. What is harder to comprehend is that this took place in a University, in an arena of education. I think as a society we tend to forgive those who are not privy to information and are not educated, but what does one say to the student who admitted to these acts. This is a unfortunate episode that really sets us back in terms of the dream that people like Martin Luther King had.

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